One App.
All Forms.

A strong partner for digital teams.


One App.
All Forms.

A strong partner for digital teams.


Using the dataPad® App
for the digital workflow

You too can optimise your processes and benefit from significant time savings, high data quality and sustainable corporate governance. Digitalise  your field service team quickly and easily with dataPad®.

„ready to run“

  • Personalised forms
  • Online and offline with a lot of helps
  • Workflow-intergrated data automation
  • Transparent process flow
  • Interfaces to your EPS Software



„My passion is to optimise processes, to develop digital workflows from analogue work steps and to firmly anchor them in the operational process. You don´t need any fancy IT magic to do that. All you need is a stable and secure digital tool that it kept up-to-date with the latest technological developments.

After all, it is not just about optimising processes, but also about future-oriented and sustainable corporate governance, where employees see prospects and opportunities in the company.“

Ursula Haimberger
CEO of dataPad GmbH

Ursula Haimberger - GF der Firma dataPad

Ursula Haimberger

„The cooperation with dataPad® enables us to integrate completely new formats of digital forms in our rs2 software  and thus to document all processes in full while on the go. The personalised form and ability to record data on the go using a smartphone or a tablet are particularly valueable for our Construction & Real Estate Management rs2 industry solution.  Back office employees or field service technicians are able to document their form-based processes in a reconstructible way, entering and processing these directly in rs2. Our customers thereby enjoy comprehensive transparency in the process workflows, as well as considerable time and cost savings.”

Markus Neumayr I Business Angel and Shareholder
Aptean Austria GmbH

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Markus Neumayr

„Our mobile apps give your team the power they need at every appointment. dataPad® supports you with personalised forms that are available online and offline, and offer many aids to help complete them. Our software enables workflow-integrated data automation to make processes more effective and ensures quality-assured documentation that is both reconstructible and clear. And as an interface, dataPad® enables seamless integration with your own database, CRM or ERP system.“

Ing. Arno Burtscher
Co-Founder and Stakeholder MD I IT-Park Service und Technologie GmbH

dataPad_Kontakt_Ing. Mag. Arno Burtscher

Ing. Arno Burtscher

Company Details_Ursula_Haimberger_

Ursula Haimberger

„My passion is to optimise processes, to develop digital workflows from analogue work steps and to firmly anchor them in the operational process. You don´t need any fancy IT magic to do that. All you need is a stable and secure digital tool that it kept up-to-date with the latest technological developments.

After all, it is not just about optimising processes, but also about future-oriented and sustainable corporate governance, where employees see prospects and opportunities in the company.“

Ursula Haimberger
CEO of dataPad GmbH

Markus Neumayr

„The cooperation with dataPad® enables us to integrate completely new formats of digital forms in our rs2 software  and thus to document all processes in full while on the go. The personalised form and ability to record data on the go using a smartphone or a tablet are particularly valueable for our Construction & Real Estate Management rs2 industry solution.  Back office employees or field service technicians are able to document their form-based processes in a reconstructible way, entering and processing these directly in rs2. Our customers thereby enjoy comprehensive transparency in the process workflows, as well as considerable time and cost savings.”

Markus Neumayr I Business Angel and Shareholder
Aptean Austria GmbH

Ing. Arno Burtscher

„Our mobile apps give your team the power they need at every appointment. dataPad® supports you with personalised forms that are available online and offline, and offer many aids to help complete them. Our software enables workflow-integrated data automation to make processes more effective and ensures quality-assured documentation that is both reconstructible and clear. And as an interface, dataPad® enables seamless integration with your own database, CRM or ERP system.“

Ing. Arno Burtscher
Co-Founder and Stakeholder MD I IT-Park Service und Technologie GmbH

One app.
All forms.

Still using paper-based processes?
We offer solutions where existing systems reach their limits.
Discover how to record data on the go efficiently with digital forms.
Experience the smooth transition to digital workflows with us.


With dataPad® enables companies to benefit from the numerous advantages of digital form processes and reliable documentation. Record data quickly and easily in a standardised way so that they can then be seamlessly integrated into subsequent processes. The user-friendly app is available offline and online, and offers a range of aids to complete forms:


» Boilerplate text
» Drop-down menus
» QR / STRICH codes
» Photo function
» Mandatory fields
» Signatures
» NEW: Dynamic blocks and objects
» and recognition of the familiar paper form


Product development: The dataPad® SaaS licencing model guarantees the technology is further developed in a sustainable and ongoing way.
Flexibility and agility are the order of the day.
Investment security: We have been ensuring the stability of the application and the future viability of dataPad GmbH for many years.
Data security: In our position as a processor, we take all the necessary data protection measures required under the GDPR. All technical and organisational measures are implemented in such a way that data are processed in compliance with the requirements of the GDPR and ensures that personal data are protected. We also demand this from our employees and service providers.
ISO-CERTIFIED data centre: The dataPad® backend is hosted at INTERXION / Vienna.

Product development: The dataPad® SaaS licencing model guarantees the technology is further developed in a sustainable and ongoing way.
Flexibility and agility are the order of the day.
Investment security: We have been ensuring the stability of the application and the future viability of dataPad GmbH for many years.
Data security: In our position as a processor, we take all the necessary data protection measures required under the GDPR. All technical and organisational measures are implemented in such a way that data are processed in compliance with the requirements of the GDPR and ensures that personal data are protected. We also demand this from our employees and service providers.
ISO-CERTIFIED data centre: The dataPad® backend is hosted at INTERXION / Vienna.


OTTO Immobilien


“We implemented the dataPad® app back in 2018, in doing so taking an early step towards digitalising and optimising our field service work. It is now always used when handing over or taking back property, as well as when conducting inspections and when our in-house technicians are on a job. The development team at dataPad GmbH is forever striving to enhance what is currently possible, resulting in new forms being added on an ongoing basis (soon one to re-register various energy providers). The dataPad team is always on hand to provide professional advice on how to realise our individual requirements and implement these in our existing processes in IGEL. The various aids to complete forms (boilerplates, drop-down menus, checkboxes, etc.) make the process both quick and easy. Customer data can be easily transferred from IGEL to the desired form and pre-filled.”



“Displaying and recording all the necessary data speeds up processes enormously and gives us significantly more flexibility when it comes to serving our customers. We obtain better and standardised data for processing in the IGEL management software and benefit from substantial time savings.”


“We use dataPad® to document inspections for insurance claims on behalf of various insurance companies in our ARBÖ test centres. And our employees are really impressed, not least because dataPad® is extremely easy to use. The customer enters their personal data on the tablet, we note any damage, add a few photos – which we can also take using the tablet – and we can then send all this information, summarised in a pdf document, to the insurance company.”



“We were looking for a digital mobile solution to handle tenant changes as well as inspections of our properties, firm in the belief that using and deploying digital tools will pay off very early on. The dataPad® app’s intuitive user interface and its established link to IGEL made the decision easy for us and accelerated the project. The transition from analogue to digital was surprisingly quick thanks to the personalised forms. The added value is not only in knowing the benefits this will bring for organisational tasks and time management, but also in data quality. Today, we can access standardised data from any location, which makes our work a lot easier. All this means that inspections, apartment handovers and returns, meter readings, key handovers, etc. are done digitally as standard at WOGEM. The dataPad® team is leading the way here. Together, we benefit from our experience in the many different uses and applications of the digital solution.”

Join the dataPad® fan club!

Connected dataPad® Networked business units ERP and more


Collaboration with external expert systems is on the rise and there is a demand for collective knowledge to handle complex changes. Intelligent connections, true-to-life workflows and industry solutions make dataPad® the technology partner of ERP systems.
We have the experience, the vision and the aim to be the claim to be the right contact for app mobility applications.

Connected interfaces:

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Guaranteeing success for your digitalisation project. We offer different license packages all inclusive (online support level 1, updates and upgrades) to use of dataPad®  SaaS. We will be happy to help you find the right package for you.

A dataPad GmbH product and IT service in cooperation with it-park Service und Technologie GmbH

Here you can find all
the information online: 



+43 (0)1 236 99 55 16


dataPad GmbH / Overall responsibility for product design, software and app development, customer support as well as sales and marketing

Büropark Donau / Inkustrasse 1-7 / Haus 6 / 1 OG / Top 1
3400 Klosterneuburg
Management: Ursula Haimberger

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